Monday, September 28, 2009

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed hiim for a lifetime." CHinese proverb

It is not good to enable people by giving them stuff for free. It is wiser to teach a man and a woman to be independent and to fend for themselves. This is the main reason why people do not go around asking for gas money or other needed items to perfect strangers. Even in the case of friends helping one another, I think it is wiser to be independent; and that is what this proverb says. I know someone who loves fishing. I have enclosed a picture here. I like shark meat. I do not like the fact that there are so many sharks in our nearby beaches, but that is another subject. It is not necessary to have a boat to fish these babies. Well, they aren't too baby-looking, but you know what I mean. We need to recruit more fisher people, so that these sharks can be fished out of the waters. I am not an advocate for "saving the sharks." Sorry, animal acitivists for that statement. Okay, keep on fishing, guys!!!!!!!!!

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