Monday, September 28, 2009

]."Friendship with oneself is all important because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world." --

I like that phrase. It means that in order to love someone else, one needs to love thyself.
Spiritual wellness helps with the ability to not sabotage oneself and to be nice to thyself. It is important to realize that feeding your soul is more important than feeding your desire for things.
It is not good for someone to gain all the material possessions in the world, just to lose their soul.
I am not saying that you should feel guilty because you wanted a new dress, a new pair of pants, the new car, new drapes. It is only when you become obsessed with wanting all of them all the time. So, being friendly to oneself involves, usually, having a close relationship with a higher power, whatever that higher power might be for you. Jesus is the higher power for most people. We need that strength that can come only from that Almighty powerful source and being.

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail and not his tongue." – Unknown

This is a funny, yet true saying. We have two dogs. I do not own one of the dogs. I am just dog-sitting for a long time. Anyway, I saw him wag her tail the other day. I thought it was the cutest gesture on any dog. Yes, this dog is my friend, and, now, moreso because of the wagging of her tail. I think that lying is wrong. People who do lie must create more lies. As the saying goes, "what tangled web we weave, those of us who lie." I am not saying I do not lie. I know everyone lies, but it is the big lies that get us into trouble. I have heard of men and women lying about crazy things like domestic abuse. They do this in order to look as the good-guy parent and, hence, getting custody of the son or daughter in a divorce hearing. This is just one example of a very large lie that hurts not just the adults, but it also hurts the children involved in the debate.

"Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetiime."Chinese proverb.

This proverb means that people should be independent and want to be independent. It could apply to any profession, trade, career or dead-end job. Yes, even in dead-end jobs people need training. I know that in the sewing field, I have made quite a few productions. I know how to sew because I went a 4 or 5 training classes. I absorbed the teachings like a sponge. Sewing for girlie dresses is my specialty. I enjoy it very much. I would sew for profit, but with stores like Dots, Simply Fashions and other discount stores, I cannot compete with their very low prices. I have some dresses in a photo to exhibit here. I made these dresses about 2 years ago. I still have a winter dress size 12 plus for girls if anyone is interested in buying.

As far as fishing, itself, goes, I suggest lots of people fish those sharks out of our beaches. Shark meat is good-tasting stuff. Fishing is not a difficult sport. It can be a very enjoyable, relaxing and rewarding sport. Sewing is rewarding, too.

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed hiim for a lifetime." CHinese proverb

It is not good to enable people by giving them stuff for free. It is wiser to teach a man and a woman to be independent and to fend for themselves. This is the main reason why people do not go around asking for gas money or other needed items to perfect strangers. Even in the case of friends helping one another, I think it is wiser to be independent; and that is what this proverb says. I know someone who loves fishing. I have enclosed a picture here. I like shark meat. I do not like the fact that there are so many sharks in our nearby beaches, but that is another subject. It is not necessary to have a boat to fish these babies. Well, they aren't too baby-looking, but you know what I mean. We need to recruit more fisher people, so that these sharks can be fished out of the waters. I am not an advocate for "saving the sharks." Sorry, animal acitivists for that statement. Okay, keep on fishing, guys!!!!!!!!!

."There is a great distance between said and done." -- Puerto Rican proverb

I believe in this proverb. Too many people like to make promises and they do not feel that they have to fulfill the promise. I do not like to judge. I know people who do not believe in themselves. I know have no faith in some people who have promised me certain important things and have never fulfilled on their committment. So, the same way that South America and Africa are very far away is the action separate from the saying that the action will get done. I understand when there exist a series of circumstances that are out of one's control, but, many times, it isn't the latter case. I read a story about a composer that did not have money to pay for transportation to perform at a concert, so he walked there. It took him 3 weeks to walk there. Now, that is a person whom I would trust to fulfill a promise. That action shows determination and responsibility. Wow, and hurray for that composer! I know that this composer did become a successful person. One very special quality is to be an honest person and fulfill your promises to others.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Be kind: everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. John Watson

I do not know what the fascination about dollhouses is, but I do know that they represent a beautiful work of art for me. I met a lady that made dollhouse furniture. I was really impressed with her work. She said that she made the furniture just for her own personal pleasure. She had the dollhouse, of course. I must be intriqued by the detail to the little pieces of furniture. I have had a lot of struggles in life, which none had to do with abusing drugs, alcohol, or committing crime. I think that the dollhouse gives me an image on which to focus and I use it as my espacegoat from reality. So, "be kind; everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. I have a dollhouse with furniture inside. The furniture is not vintage style, although I love that type too. I picked up this dollhouse at a warehouse store for 75.00 with the furniture in it. That was a great bargain. I think I will have my daughter paint some pretty designs on the outside of the house to add beauty to it. My daughter has artistic talent.

She is into face-painting. Here is a picture of my dollhouse --- inside and out.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"He that flings dirt at another dirties himself most" Thomas Fuller

Why do so many companies advertise offering jobs that are phony? I cannot understand why the concept of cheating others is a profitable business. I was cheated out of about 400. OO big ones. I did work for a company that does some transcription. I did the work in two languages. I stayed up until 2 a.m. just to meet the deadline and I never got a dime from them. The company's name is Absolute Documents, so be forewarned. I believe the owner's first name is Dawn. She gave me many excuses why she thought she did not want to pay. It is like the saying say, "I have many excuses, which one do you want?" It is very unprofessional. It was not just listen and type, it was translation too.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I was raised in New York State. I have had my share of subway rides. The building I lived in had its share of problems, but my dad decided to become the super and he tried to rehabilitate, so that we could have more quality in our lives and in the way the building was maintained. We lived in that building for many years, and it was rent-controlled, therefore, my dad was able to save money. He invested in a small brownstone, opened a business on the bottom commercial area and ran his own travel agency. He had fun at his job. My mother became ill during these years and she passed away due to breast cancer. I was 21 years-old. I was very sad that I had lost this very much loved one. My life changed after she died. I used to hop from one college to another. I would quit college and get a part-time job. I gave birth to a beautiful boy at age 25 and then gave birth to a beautiful girl at age 38. I wanted to stay away from men that do not treat women with the gentleness that they deserve and that is why I waited this long to have another child. Well, now I am working on getting a medical transcription education, and I hope to graduate sometime in 2011 with great grades.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Do you agree that a parent can abduct their own child...

and the other parent doesn't have right to press charges against that parent for causing emotional harm to the child being snatched? Yes, the other parent may have been desperate, but the selfishness is evident in the snatcher parent. There are not any laws to protect innocent children from emotional abuse and Congress needs to create them quick --- maybe like yesterday.