Thursday, October 29, 2009

."Speak when you are angry, and you will make the best speech that you will ever regret." -- Ambrose Bierce

I spoke to a mailman one day and he was reluctant to get too close to the door because he had a close call with a pitbull. Yes, we have a border collie, a very docile dog. He explained to me that if that pitbull would have assaulted him, he (the mailman) would still been at fault for the assault. That is the way it is in life especially at a work-related situation. In the workplace, it is important to behave professionally at all times. It is true that we cannot speak or yell at a dog and have the dog comprehend an insulting speech, but sometimes you can do everything correct and there is still a trouble-maker at work. The best solution for this situation is to ignore the situation, or you should suck it up because "speak when you are angry, and you will make the best speech that you will ever regret," (Ambrose Bierce)
It is important to make a commitment to yourself to do things that will enhance your self-esteem, but a lot of times, the boss will believe the trouble-maker. The trouble-maker explains the ugly speech you gave and there goes your job out the window. It doesn't happen all the time, but the truth does come out. The problematic person will get caught. Hopefully, next time the boss will choose to believe the non-problematic person.

."When you see a rattlesnake poised to strike, you do not wait until he has struck before you crush him." -- Franklin D.Roosevelt

This saying reminds me a lot of the story that has those characters by the name of "Delia" and "Sykes," they are a married couple, but he doesn't treat her with respect. He has very little compassion for her as a human being. In this story, Delia did wait for the snake to strike. I guess she felt she needed to be a submissive woman. It is difficult to get out of an abusive situation. I think that an abusive man can be identified as a "rattlesnake." It depends on what mind-set the abuser has, but many abusers do like going as far as "striking with venom," metaphorically speaking. Many of these abusive/ rattlesnake-like people do not want to seek for help. Many of these abusive/rattlesnake-like people are shrewd. Their crippling behavior usually gets the best of them. I think that people should not wait until the snake has stricken before you crush him. It is what the Bible teaches.

If you haven't got any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble." -- Bob Hope

I don't know if it is because I am an over-the-hill student, but I like to get the best grade possible on all my tests ---therefore, I blamed myself for not getting a question correctly in the science class. The question had to do with cleft lip deformity. It is a congential deformity. There is a charity called, "Smiles," and I had promised myself to donate money, but I never did. I had made this promise about two months ago. Well, now, that I have incorrectly answered these two questions, and it took me away from the 90s mark, I will make sure to pay closer attention to the importance of giving. It is important to be compassionate towards others. It is too easy to forget the less fortunate and the needy when one is too busy enjoying a plush life. But then something like getting a grade below 90, or, even more drastic, becoming dirt poor, can remind us that it's important to give to the poor. It is a great medicine for the heart.

]]]."Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

This saying is very straight and to the point --- in summary, life is not always easy, and people will be nice, and people will be not-so-nice, but when you can find that peace within yourself, it is then that you realize that that is all there is of yourself. That is all the peace you need. "You cannot control the outer environment, you can only control how you react to it." It is a positive affirmation that I have heard people say all the time. It is important for everyone to be their own best friend because we can control our reactions and our behavior, but we cannot control other people's behavior. It is like Officer Hickey told me once, "Two wrongs do not make a right." I know many people that consider themselves to be their own best friends, and as a result, they feel comfortable with making the decision to go back to their country of origin. They feel that the United States is still very divided and do not offer the same opportunities to everyone on an equal basis. But as Florida is concerned, I feel it will be of Spainard descent now and forever because I enjoy remembering the days of the King's and Queen. I especially like learning about Queen Isabelle. She was Queen in Puerto Rico.

."He who will not economize will have to agonize." -- Confucius

The agonizing feeling that is associated with owing money to credit cards is situation that sometimes could have been avoided if people would just save and economize. I know a lady that teaches children how to manage money. I know a man who economized a lot. Instead of going on vacation every year, he only went on vacation every other year, or every two years. He ended up saving almost 20,000 dollars and then a Mafia hitman killed a man in a barber shop and this presented an opportunity for him to purchase the building for a low cost of 20,000. It was a four-story brick building, but it was an incredible bargain back in those days. Bye the way, this is a true story. The poor barber was killed in cold-blood. From what I understand, he had been cheating on his wife and the family's wife needed to protect the honor code. I do not know how true this is. Well, the purchaser of this new investment enjoyed every minute of his new purchase. He had saved. He did not agonize. He, later, sold the building. I will say that this sale did make him (seller)--- very happy with the amount of his profit. He did not agonize, nor did he need to struggle to make ends meet in life.

"The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls and looking like...

."The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls and looking like
hard work." -- Thomas Edison

I think a lot of folks like to start at the top at a company. It is not normal to start as an executive. I have met people that have worked in mail rooms in New York and I have met people who have started in a temporary job, and they have climbed the ladder of success. I, personally, do not like temporary jobs. I know of a company in Christmas, Florida that is growing organic foods. It seems to be a growing company. I think that anyone who starts as a farmer and works with all that wonderful, and not-so-wonderful dirt (it is mixed with horse manuer)will have the chance of moving up in the company. I believe that there are people that are given certain talents. Some of these people do not want to explore the "hard work" area because they feel better than anyone else. So if they get hurt and they cannot do the particular job that uses their talent, they become lazy. A change in career is sometimes inevitable in life. It is important to have a great moral support system. But when you don't have one, one must be one's own cheerleader.

Monday, October 19, 2009

]."If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays

... the interest."Benjamin Franklin

In Michigan, I knew a lady that is related to Benjamin Franklin. As the generations flow by, they are still very proud people. She did graduate from the local college with a degree in culinary arts. I agree that no one can take education away from him or her. I think about the folks that work in the power plants and they aren't in a position to easily lose their jobs, that is my opinion. Another good field to get into is the Emergency Management team. The real name for them is "Emergency Rescue Management." From what I can understand the subject "history" is a major that can qualify to work in one of these companies. In my opinion, it is very important to get an education. Hopefully, this education will help us land a decent job. In that case, the investment in education becomes more than just 6%, for example, interest, it becomes a livelihood. Good day.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For all of us today, the battle is in our hands. The road ahead is not altogether a smooth one. There are no broad highways to lead us easily and

inevitably to good solutions. We must keep going --- Martin Luther King.
This saying is almost like the one that says that even when you are dealt a bad deck of cards, it isn't the deck that is the problem, but how you play the game.
I think it is difficult to be a strong person. When Dr. Martin Luther King says " the battle is in our hands," he is saying that we must find the non-violent ways of struggling through our difficulties, and we hope to find a solution by the determination within us to come out victorous.

18."To speak kindly does not hurt the tongue." -- proverb

Those who can appreciate the privilege of being able to speak, speak kindly to others whenever they find the opportunities. Some people make the opportunity to speak kindly to others, and they do not wait for the chance to do this. I can give someone a great compliment. I know that when other's speak nicely to me, and when others say kind words, it is an awesome feeling within my soul. Life is easier when people speak kindly to each other. No, it does hurt the tongue to speak kindly to others.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

."He who opens a school door, closes a prison ." Victor Hugo

For the majority of people, this statement may apply, but no for everyone.

I have studies some cases where there is someone who has a profession and he or she commits a terrible crime. There are some that commit little crimes or misdemeanors. I heard a judge once say that stealing someone's identity isn't really the end of the world and that there are worst crimes. Well, in my opinion, that judge should find some other line of work because identity theft is a big deal.

."To the uneducated, an A is just three sticks." A. A. Milne

I have had the experience of dealing with uneducated people. I can describe some characteristics of a certain uneducated person as follows: quite to get upset, a lot of words in a conversation leads to misunderstanding the talk, reading does not excite him, he tends to be needy, he wants to act like a baby when he is sick. Some of these folks have knowledge that stems from a talent, regardless, it is a great thing to be educated, and it is great to want to read and learn.

I]t is a dangerous thing to ask why someone else has been given more. It is humbling -- and indeed healthy --

- to ask why you have been given so much" Condoleeza Rice

To be grateful for what you have. I am grateful for my family. I have been grateful for my culture ever since I can remember. I remember really feeling the contact with my roots at age 12 and up. Here is a picture of a church in Isabela, Puerto Rico. THe other picture is the architectural style of homes over there.I lived there in May 2006-April 2007. Everyone should go visit the rainforest, "the Yunque," an awesome place.

."My opinion is that you never find happiness until you stop looking for it." -- Chuang-tzu

The quote is simply stating that happiness can come at an unpredictable time. I do not believe in the Annie and Cinderella movie, but I believe everyone should continue to hope for health, happiness, wealth, and prosperity, which is the same as wealth. I do not believe that a prince will come down the road and see the face of the unhappy girl, and vice-versa, and speak words of kindness, then they will fall in love and live happily forever. No, I do not believe in that. I believe all of us are created equal and deserve an equal chance at success. Some of us have a lot more needs than others. Sometimes certain jobs do not fit the person's physical limitations. When they do find the job that can accomodate their handicap needs, then they will have a great chance at success. The ability to do a job is not only having a skill but having the health and strength to perform the job. So when people look at others and label them "lazy," they ought stop and wonder if maybe they can't find the "appropriate" job that enables them to work in a very productive way and a fair way.

Friendship with oneself is all important because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world." --Eleanor Roosevelt

I think it makes sense that in order to be a friend, you need to be a good friend with thyself.

I read a short story by the name of "Salt and Bread" It is about three girls and their father. He had been hearing rumors that his youngest daughter did not love him, so one day he questioned her by asking her how she could describe her loving feelings. She answered: "Oh, my father, I value you as salt and bread." The King, the father, became furious. This confirmed the rumors that her jealous sisters had spread about their youngest sister. It turns out that, at the end of the story, the King realizes that salt and bread are of great value. In order to love thyself, one should do even little acts of love toward oneself, they actually may not be small, but, like the King, we may think that it is of little value.

Your children need your presence more than your presents.

As a child, I remember my mom was a stay-at-home and it was a good feeling knowing that I would see her face the minute I walked in from school. I can remember my friend would feel obligated to come over, yeah, that is sad, that she did not really want to come over. But we did our homework together as we sat at the kitchen table. It is always nice to study with someone.
I can remember even as a college student that a good friend of mine seemed like she missed her mom's presence after she got home from college. Yes, this was the first year --- freshman year. I studied at the college in New York. The name of the college is John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Her name is Daisy. I don't know if this is as a result of the mom's lack of presence, but Daisy got pregnant and decided to get an abortion. That is a difficult situation to be in, and it is a very difficult decision to make for a teenager or for anyone for that matter.